Policy Memos & Media

What Does Support for Russia Mean? Evidence from Gagauz Yeri, Moldova.” 2023. PONARS Eurasia Memo. 862.

Ethnic variation in support for Putin and the invasion of Ukraine.” 2023. PONARS Eurasia Memo. 822.

Is Putin’s popularity (still) real? A cautionary note on using list experiments to measure popularity in authoritarian regimes.” With Timothy Frye, Scott Gehlbach and Ora John Reuter. 2022. PONARS Eurasia Memo. 733.

The V–Dem method for aggregating expert-coded data.” With Laura Maxwell and Anna Lührmann. 2018. V–Dem Policy Brief. 17.

Measuring democracy with expert-coded data.” 2017. American Political Science Association Comparative Democratization (APSA–CD) Newsletter. 15 (2). Replication Data.

Is Putin’s popularity real?” With Timothy Frye, Scott Gehlbach and John Reuter. 2015. PONARS Eurasia Memo. 403.

Nation-building and language policy in post-Soviet Azerbaijan.” 2010. Azerbaijan in the World. 3 (19), 1-6.


“Hvorfor er Putin så populær?Bergens Tidende. Norwegian language. 19.08.23. English version.

How popular is Putin, really?” With Noah Buckley, Ora John Reuter and Katerina Tertytchnaya. Washington Post TMC. 13.04.22.

Expert commentary

Does Russia risk disintegration?Russia.Post. 21.02.23.